Hi! I'm Emily Tse, the founder of Kindred Spaces. I have been brave enough to tackle a few scary things in my life so far. I've jumped out of an airplane, started a business in the midst of a pandemic, made it through high school assuming I could pull off legwarmers, and yet, I've had to spend a few good months working up the nerve to start a blog. I LOVE reading other people's blogs. The prospect of starting my own, however, is something I have casually avoided ever since I started Kindred Spaces. I could talk all day about organizing, decluttering, simplifying, zero-waste, and all the other topics that inspired me to start my company... but taking those thoughts and putting them into actual words on the internet? Yikes. That felt serious. Official. It gave me the same feeling in my stomach as the time I opened my dryer and my eyes locked with a massive, hairy spider who managed to look both menacing and smug while perched atop my delicates. Just the thought of publishing my first post felt like the panic that hits me when I'm expecting a lovely smooth bite of yoghurt and instead find myself choking down a slimy mystery fruit chunk (I'm looking at you, Strawberry...).
Why Do It, Then?

Scary though it may be, I'm super excited about my company and my mission, and I've been dying to create a place to share some big ideas, nerd out over my favourite organizing hacks, and dig into some of the unexpected ways that getting organized can help the world around us too. As my current readership likely consists of exclusively blood relatives, **hi, Dad! Look! I'm blogging!** I'm taking the leap and am so grateful for everyone showing up and checking it out! It will not be perfect, but it will hopefully be helpful and at the very least, a reflection of my exquisite taste in pug photos and high quality memes.
Coming Soon...
Over the next few weeks I will be sharing my own experiences as I try to organize my collection of 50+ years and 4,000+ family photos. As a newbie to the world of blogging and making myself vulnerable on the internet, it made sense to start gently by sharing my most challenging, emotional, messy, and overwhelming personal project ever attempted. Stay tuned!
Like what you've read so far? Have any idea you'd like to see on the blog? Please help me grow by sharing on Facebook, leaving a comment, or getting in touch!